Call recording
Business phone call recording is a valuable communications tool if you take lots of customer calls. With Dialpad, you can record business phone calls with a click while staying compliant. Try it for free—it takes just a few minutes to sign up and you'll be set up with a virtual number!
One click to start or pause recording
AI-powered real-time transcriptions of calls
And more!

One-click recording
How can you help your team improve your customer service and performance if you don't know how their conversations are going? Dialpad lets you save all your call recordings for use in training and reviews later. To record phone calls, all you have to do is hit Record in your active call screen.

Real-time guidance
Beyond call recordings, Dialpad Support also has real-time voice transcription and sentiment analysis to show supervisors which calls are going well (or poorly). This makes it much easier for a manager to oversee multiple agents and ongoing calls at once—and jump in to help when needed.

Faster training and onboarding
With Dialpad’s call recordings, you can train and onboard new staff more quickly. Jumping into a contact center queue can be pretty intimidating if you haven't even had your first phone conversation yet. What better way to teach your new hires than with examples from some of your best call agents?

Make a playlist
Create a coaching playlist with recordings of your best (or worst) calls to help your new hires. From tough pricing questions to objection handling, you can create specific playlists for teammates to listen to and learn from on their own time.

AI-powered meeting recaps
Not only can Dialpad Ai record calls and transcribe them in real time, it also generates call summaries in friendly, natural language along with transcripts that you can search to find specific points of interest. This way, you don’t have to listen to hours of recordings to find that one little thing.

Robust privacy and security
Call recording comes with its fair share of privacy and security concerns. Dialpad's APIs allow you to automatically pause recording and/or transcription when your agents are taking sensitive information. (Like when they open a screen or field to take down healthcare info.)

Call parking
Manage large numbers of incoming calls more easily using Dialpad’s call park feature. With call park, your agents can move calls to a virtual “parking lot” where teammates can pick up calls from another extension once they're available. If your business gets a lot of inbound calls, this is a very useful feature to have.

Need to record calls?
Sign up for a 14-day free trial of Dialpad in just a few minutes to get started with a virtual business number and try call recordings now. Or, take a self-guided interactive tour of the app on your own first!